Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Hexagon

Hello there miniscule readership (think of yourselves as "elite followers" it helps...)

I recently sent a proposal to the Hexagon Art Space, in the Station North art/hipster district of Baltimore. The proposal was regarding the possibility of them putting on a show of, or including, my work (past, present, and future?) on androgyny. This morning I got a very positive email back: "Thanks for sending your proposal to the Hexagon! Your work and your ideas really intrigue me and I would definitely like to see this show happen."

So, that rocks big time.

She went on to say that she wanted to get a show together (my work along with that of a few other artists) and possibly do a show in January or February.

If this goes through it will be the first time my work has been up on a wall for strangers to look at outside of class critiques.

Hooray Hooray!

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