Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Some nice-ish work prints from my experiments with printing 4x6 and full frame (although some of the black border got cut off in the scanning process)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

(pretty) food

I apologize if any of these are repeats, I'm pretty sure I haven't posted them before...

drink that organic lipstick sunshine

(forgive the hipster title)

Sunday, September 26, 2010


found this today, had completely forgotten about it and never posted it anywhere (my model would have objected because of her expression) but I think it's kind of intense and awesome.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Hexagon

Hello there miniscule readership (think of yourselves as "elite followers" it helps...)

I recently sent a proposal to the Hexagon Art Space, in the Station North art/hipster district of Baltimore. The proposal was regarding the possibility of them putting on a show of, or including, my work (past, present, and future?) on androgyny. This morning I got a very positive email back: "Thanks for sending your proposal to the Hexagon! Your work and your ideas really intrigue me and I would definitely like to see this show happen."

So, that rocks big time.

She went on to say that she wanted to get a show together (my work along with that of a few other artists) and possibly do a show in January or February.

If this goes through it will be the first time my work has been up on a wall for strangers to look at outside of class critiques.

Hooray Hooray!

Monday, September 20, 2010

everyday part II

The rest of the photos I ended up showing at crit today, went over fairly well I think.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

everyday part I

first three photos from my everyday project.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Etsy News

Ardent Photographie (as it is spelled on etsy) has been included in a group of undiscovered shops. Huzzah!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


want to buy any of my prints?

check out my Etsy shop!


Two photos that I was considering using for my everday project, but am probably not going to include. But, I still love them, so I thought I'd put them on here anyway.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ardent Photography is now selling (but not selling out, don't worry)

Just opened an Etsy store to sell my prints and postcards; nothing posted yet, but I'm working on it. Literally.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Just began a new semester and with new semesters come new photo projects. My upcoming project (photos to be forthcoming) focuses on the everyday life and the vernacular. My teacher's idea. So I decided to base my project around a sequence of photos which will (attempt) to portray how the everyday can be parceled into two kinds and qualities of moments: those which rush past us, almost in a blur, and those which stick with us, pushing and grasping down into our minds to stay for hours, days or longer. I drew much of my, still initial, inspiration from a quote I have posted here before, but will repeat for clarity's sake (not to mention how much I love it).

"Life is not about significant details, illuminated in a flash, fixed forever. Photographs are."
- Susan Sontag

Here's hoping my ideas bounce out of my head and onto (ridiculously expensive) photo paper in a meaningful and lovely fashion.

quote + random photo

Not entirely sure how this applies to photography, but it's a great little saying for life in general, and since photography sometimes seems to take over my life (at least lately) I thought it appropriate.

"I don't agree with gravity. Shit still falls."

- Dan Savage

Taken at an apartment in Santa Monica, CA in July 2010


Taken on a swelteringly hot day in Baltimore, MD 9/1

dancing lights

Shot under a full moon at Stinson Beach, CA on 8/24