Just began a new semester and with new semesters come new photo projects. My upcoming project (photos to be forthcoming) focuses on the everyday life and the vernacular. My teacher's idea. So I decided to base my project around a sequence of photos which will (attempt) to portray how the everyday can be parceled into two kinds and qualities of moments: those which rush past us, almost in a blur, and those which stick with us, pushing and grasping down into our minds to stay for hours, days or longer. I drew much of my, still initial, inspiration from a quote I have posted here before, but will repeat for clarity's sake (not to mention how much I love it).
"Life is not about significant details, illuminated in a flash, fixed forever. Photographs are."
- Susan Sontag
Here's hoping my ideas bounce out of my head and onto (ridiculously expensive) photo paper in a meaningful and lovely fashion.