Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Basic Photography Portfolio - Digital Project

For our digital project we had to do a study of one object, I chose (as will be obvious) my orange trench coat.

Side note: color values are more saturated/contrasted on my computer, blogger seems to have diluted the intensity of their color somehow.

Basic Photography Portfolio Part V

Narrative Project
For this project I decided to try doing a conceptual self-portrait narrative on androgyny.


Basic Photography Portfolio Part IV

Framing Project
For this project I took images of people being affectionate and pushed them to the edge of the frame in a attempt to juxtapose "cold" negative space with "warm" human interaction.

Basic Photography Portfolio Part III

Portrait Project
For this project I asked each of my subjects to tell me one physical feature that they loved but that had never or rarely been complimented by others; I then photographed those features.

Basic Photography Portfolio Part II

Space & Place Project

Basic Photography Portfolio

These are all the photos that I included in my final portfolio for my basic photo class this past spring. All of these photos were taken, developed, printed, edited and scanned by me. :)

Light Project